If I was to tell you this has been a business that has been up and running for years, yet made no money would you believe me? Well, that is exactly what happened to us except our story has much more depth to it than that. My Mother, who is an evangelist and a very God fearing woman, had a knack for helping others and it trickled down to me, her Son. Whether it was prayer or advice, she was there and everything always led to the consumption of natural herbs or information on holistic health. She instilled that in her family and friends so much to the point where people in the community were coming to our home asking and receiving help from the variety of herbs she had in her cabinet. This went on for years and she never charged a dime for it! So when I became of age and realized the magnitude of what she was doing, I asked if she would pass her baton so I can present her light to the world. AND....HERE.....WE.....ARE!!!
Products & Benefits
Sea Moss
Energy Booster, Immunity
Builder, Digestive System Regulator, Sexual Support, Etc
1-2 Tablespoons Daily When Made Into A Gel
Liquid Drops
Sea Moss
Same As Gel Just
In Extract Form And More Concentrated
1-2 Drops Daily
Skin & Pain
Skin: Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Skin Irritations
Pain: Arthritis, Gout, Joint Pain
Use As Needed
Sea Moss
Same as Gel & Extract Just In Gummy Form
Take 2 Gummies A Day
Can I Use These Products Everyday?
Yes, there should be no reason why you should not use it daily unless the item has spoiled. (ex. sea moss gel)
Will This Interfere With My Medication?
If you are on medication we recommend you consult with your physician before you take anything from anyone, but if not take as directed for each product at your own discretion (an hour apart from meds).
Are The Products Actually All Natural?
Yes, each item is a combination of natural resources cultivated with each customer in mind.
- Lafayette, La (Drug Emporium)
- Opelousas, La (Natures Health Shoppe & Wildchild Boutique)
- New Iberia, La (Natural Nutrition Center)
- Eunice, La (Advanced Health And Soul)
- Waco, Tx (Drug Emporium)
- Frisco, Tx (Family Health Market)
- Abilene, Tx (Drug Emporium)
- Amarillo, Tx (Drug Emporium)
- Longview, Tx (Drug Emporium)
- Little Rock, AR (Drug Emporium)
- Hattiesburg, Ms (Vitamins Plus)
Mom's Natural Methods LLCĀ© 2021